what is a major thing that is happing to games?

 Hi, welcome back to my blog about videogames. today we're going to talk about the major diversity in games that are being seen more and more today.

As stated previously, many game companies are coming out with all different kinds and genres of games in today's society. if one was to look at the main kind of games that were being played and made back when the consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 were out, one would see that the main kinds of games that were being played were FPS's, liner styled adventure, and beat em up styled games with the exception for some major titles like GTA where it was an open world style game. Now, because of the new kind of technology and types of players, the videogame industry has produced a lot of different kinds of games or at least better versions of what they previously made before. a good example of this is the game called The Vale which is a completely audio-based game that tells the players a story, and the game was specifically made for the blind community of gamers. 

This game alone just shows how much video game publishers, the gaming community, and others are putting an impact on the culture of video games and also shows just how much we have improved our mindsets to include even those that have disabilities to be able to enjoy and play video games Aswell.


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