My blog up to this point.
Hello everyone, it's Colby again and welcome back to my blog. today I wanted to do a small reflection on what I have done with this blog up till now, and maybe what I could bring in the future. the original goal behind this blog was to bring people closer to my hobby which is video games, and to allow people that might not know much about them be able to learn some cool or nifty things about the hobby itself. I have always liked video games so being able to discuss some cool ideas like in my previous post where I talked about a video game that was made simply for the blind so that people with that disability can enjoy the hobby just as much as others currently do. I like to dig into new subjects and all the new ideas, inventions, and technology that is being introduced into the world every day that also helps players get closer to video games like how VR (Virtual reality) lets players not only have fun but to also actually feel like they are inside of the game. another thing that I...